travel planning services

Let me help you plan your dream trip

your time

Internet search engines can feel like drinking from a water hydrant. With my help and gleaning from my actual experience in these countries, you can cut down on hours of time spent searching and planning. Time is money and all that. 

your trip experience

Your vacation time is precious. You want to have the optimal experience at the piece of the globe you've chosen to travel to. With my assistance we will make your trip more seamless. My itineraries can help you have all the experiences you want while getting to relax and not worry about what comes next.

Having traveled extensively and lived abroad, I have a lot to offer. I'm most traveled in the continents of Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America. (Australia, South America, and Antarctica, I'm coming for you!) I love offering you my insider tips and personalized experience to make your trip truly incredible. Even just one consultation will help you avoid tourist traps and common mistakes.

my Expertise

why ask for help


Internet search engines can feel like drinking from a water hydrant. With my help and gleaning from my actual experience in these countries, you can cut down on hours of time spent searching and planning. Time is money and all that.


Your vacation time is precious. You want to have the optimal experience at the piece of the globe you've chosen to travel to. With my assistance we will make your trip more seamless. My itineraries can you help you have all the experiences you want while getting to relax and not worry about what comes next.


Having traveled extensively and lived abroad, I have a lot to offer. I'm most traveled in the continents of Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America. (Australia, South America, and Antarctica, I'm coming for you!) I love offering you my insider tips and personalized experience to make your trip truly incredible. Even just one consultation will help you avoid tourist traps and common mistakes.


introductory consultation

This consultation can be a stand-alone consult or the beginning of my services. I will spend up to an hour with you, helping guide you in your own planning or getting the information I need to help craft a personalized itinerary for you.

Cost: $195

itinerary planning

If after our introductory consultation you would like further assistance, I can help put together a travel plan for you. With this option, I do not make any bookings but instead put together a potential itinerary for you to use during your travels.

Cost: $125/per day

what People are saying

Click through what past clients have to say

travel consult options

Below are options for consultations or itineraries for travel.
If you prefer a trip SET UP FOR YOU, please click here for the ALL-INCLUSIVE travel.

Below are options for consultations or itineraries for travel.
If you prefer a trip SET UP FOR YOU, please click here for the ALL-INCLUSIVE travel.

the right option for you

the right option for you